Non-resident information
Distribution payment date Distribution payment date Non-Resident
Withholding Tax Rate*
2021 Interim 2021 Final
Distribution paid Not declared Not declared
Distribution components subject to withholding tax:
Fund payment None None N/A
Australian sourced interest income None None 10% **
Australian sourced dividend income
(unfranked, non-CFI)
None None 30% or relevant lower
double tax agreement rate **

*The Non-Resident Withholding Tax Rate has been applied based on the information held about investors.

Note that the above components were used solely for withholding tax purposes, were based on information available at the time of the payment of the distributions, and should not be relied upon for any other purpose.

If non-resident individual investors consider that they need to lodge Australian income tax returns, they are advised to use their annual SYD Tax Statement for that purpose.

**Subject to any exemption available, e.g. in respect of certain foreign superannuation funds