Operating at Sydney Airport
Operating at Sydney Airport
Sydney Airport terms and conditions of use (COU)

All airlines operators, including itinerate operators, at Sydney Airport are subject to our Conditions of Use. These conditions include terms, conditions, and charges, and are available for you to download below.

New and Existing Operators

Please note that Version 5.2 of the Conditions of Use (available for download below) applies to all new operators.

Should you have any questions, please email conditions.use@syd.com.au.

From 1 November, Version 5.3 of the Conditions of Use will apply

Conditions of Use version 5.3 - 1 November 2024

Variation of Charges from 1 November 2024 - COU

Apron operational procedures (AOP)

Sydney Airport maintains Apron Operational Procedures (AOP) in accordance with the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) Manual of Standards Part 139 – Aerodromes (MOS-139) to ensure the safety of aircraft during ground manoeuvring. The procedures apply to all persons (both staff and contractors) working on Sydney Airport aprons.

The procedures are accessible via a secure website. If you’re not registered to use the secure website and wish to register for access, please forward the following information to Airfield Design at airfield.design@syd.com.au.

  • Company name
  • Name of representative who is responsible for ensuring compliance with the procedures
  • Postal address
  • Contact details including e-mail addresses and phone numbers
  • Airfield Design will contact you via e-mail with a login and password to the site

The procedures are CONTROLLED documents and access is granted on a "need to know" basis. Sydney Airport reserves all rights to provide or restrict access to the secure website at its sole discretion.

Airport emergency procedures (AEP)

Sydney Airport maintains an airport emergency plan in accordance with International Civil Aviation Organisation and Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority regulations and standards. The AEP is accessible via a secure website to airlines and emergency services only.

Airlines and emergency services must provide the following information to Sydney Airport’s Emergency Management department at emergency@syd.com.au

A member of the Emergency Management team will contact you via email with a password and login procedures to the site*.

  • The AEP is a RESTRICTED document and access is granted only on a "need to know" basis. Sydney Airport reserves all rights to provide or restrict access to the secure AEP site at its sole discretion.

You must provide the following details:

  • Company name
  • Name of representative/s who is/are responsible for ensuring compliance with the AEP
  • Postal address
  • Contact details including e-mail addresses and phone numbers

Airport operations manual (AOM)

The AOM is accessible via a secure website. If you are not registered to use the secure website and wish to register for access, please forward the following information to the Sydney Airport Airfield Standards Manager at brett.fraser@syd.com.au:

  • Company name
  • Details of information requested
  • Postal address
  • Contact details including e-mail addresses and phone numbers
  • The Standards Manager will contact you via e-mail with a password and login procedures to the site.

Access to the AOM is granted on a "need to know" basis. Sydney Airport reserves all rights to provide or restrict access to the secure AOM site at its sole discretion.

Sydney Airport security program

The Sydney Airport Aviation Industry Participant (AIP) Security Guide which is a condensed version of the Sydney Airport Transport Security Program (TSP) is available, upon request, to airlines and various other organisations with an operation need at Sydney Airport. The AIP Security Guide has been produced to provide all relevant AIP businesses with a reference tool and understanding regarding the management of airport security.

The information in the AIP Security Guide assists AIPs in keeping Sydney Airport safe and secure and to comply with the Sydney Airport TSP. Reading and understanding this document should prepare AIPs for day-to-day operations and ensure that they are prepared in the event of a security emergency or incident.

If you require the current version of the Aviation Industry Participant Security Guide please send the following details to Sydney Airport at airportsecurity@syd.com.au:

  • Company name
  • Details of information requested
  • Postal address
  • Contact details including e-mail addresses and phone numbers

Type-A approach and take off chart

The Type A – Approach and Takeoff Chart is available to airlines and various operators at Sydney Airport upon request for a charge. If you require a current version of the Type A – Approach and Takeoff Chart visit our annual obstacle monitoring page for more information.

Graphics and passenger data formats


To ensure that your logo is displayed correctly throughout the terminal, airport precinct and Sydney Airport website, please ensure that all the correct files are provided in either PC or Mac format.

You can send the files by email or copy them onto a CD and mail it to:

Aviation Business Development Sydney Airport Corporation Limited 10 Arrivals Court Sydney International Terminal, NSW 2020 Australia

Flight Information Display System and website logo requirements:

.EPS File

(PC Version) EPS logos are required for outdoor signage Image Size: 1365 (width) X 300 (Height)

PMS colour composition

When you submit your logo, please provide a list of the composition of all PMS colours within logo.

Passenger data formats

Passenger airlines are required to provide passenger numbers as the basis of charges, in accordance with our Conditions of Use. You should use local time format for aircraft movements and passenger numbers. The below templates can be used as a guide.

Note that data files must be submitted in .csv format using the following naming convention: DAXXXXXX_YYYYMM_LOCAL.csv where "XXXXXX" represents the airline account number and "YYYYMM" represents the year and month (for example, DA600108_200402_LOCAL.csv for February 2004).

Please email us your data (one file per month) no later than the second working day of the following month (for example, February’s file by 2 March).

Local time format