Sydney Airport has a long history of supporting our local community by partnering with a range of organisations, events and programs.
Working with councils
We work with local councils on initiatives that promote a healthy lifestyle for the benefit of local residents around the airport and environmental protection.
In 2018, Bayside Council and Sydney Airport established the Community and Environment Projects Reserve Fund, which will fund a variety of community and environmentally focused projects over the next 10 years.
An upgrade to Botany Aquatic Centre is the first major project to benefit from the partnership. The integrated family and water play area, with an aviation theme, will include a water slide and a splash pad, for all ages and abilities.
Gujaga Foundation
Our partnership with the Gujaga Foundation began in 2018 when the airport was exploring options for promoting local First Nations history and culture for our centenary. The relationship has since grown to incorporate guidance on our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) and engaging the local Aboriginal community.
In 2019, the airport celebrated 100 years with the launch of SYDStories, a platform that tells the story of the airport from before European settlement to present day. A site rich with historical significance, SYDStories highlights the stories and First Nations cultural heritage of Gamay (local Aboriginal word for the Botany Bay area).
The Gujaga Foundation continues to work closely with the RAP Working Group members to build the Aboriginal cultural capacity of staff as we continue to build our connection within the local La Perouse Aboriginal community.
Wildflower Gardens for Good
Our partnership with Wildflower - Gardens for Good began in 2022, when a team from Wildflower came in to develop and landscape the T1 international terminal forecourt.
Wildflower Gardens for Good, is a First Nations led not-for-profit organisation that specialises in premium sustainable horticulture, landscape and ecology services while providing meaningful work for young people facing barriers to employment.
The Wildflower team are now the ongoing caretakers of our T1 forecourt gardens and are also undertaking a long-term bush regeneration project at the Airport Wetlands.
University of NSW
The Trevor Gerber SYD100 scholarship, announced as part of the airport’s centenary celebrations in 2019, sees one full scholarship awarded every year for the next one hundred years at the University of NSW (UNSW). It covers tuition and accommodation for a UNSW student to complete a Bachelor of Aviation Management or a double degree of Bachelor of Aviation Management and Commerce.
The scholarship focuses on bringing more diversity to the next generation of aviation leaders. It provides under-represented groups in the industry with access to education, including people with diverse cultural backgrounds, women and First Nations students.
Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras
Sydney Airport partners with the world's biggest night-time celebration of the LGBTQI community, the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. We're proud to be the first hello for everyone travelling into Sydney to experience the festival.
Raise Foundation
Since 2020, Sydney Airport has partnered with the Raise Foundation and our staff have volunteered as mentors to high school students in the community. Young people who are mentored through this program have lower levels of depression, higher sense of wellbeing, know where to go for support and are more likely to find employment.
Rotary Australia
Sydney Airport and Rotary Australia have forged a strong relationship through various fundraising initiatives at the airport since the 1960s. Botany, Marrickville and Rockdale Rotary clubs collect donations from 11 collection bins across our terminals to directly fund local and international community organisations and causes.